Incident Support is an easy, flexible means of purchasing support for issues not covered by Annual Software Contracts or Facility Management Agreements. The issues generally will relate either to TRIFORCE within the context of your network, to the installation of a new server, or to network administration in general. In other words, Incident Support covers those instances when Systemgroup assistance is required for non-Annual Software Contract/non-Facility Management Agreement issues.
View/Download Policy
Note:any request submitted via INTERNET and EMAIL (
is automatically distributed to Hotline Support, TRIFORCE Product Manager, Marketing, Sales and Administration.
IMPORTANT: All TRIFORCE support must originate from a TRIFORCE Administrator or alternate Administrator as per software ASC or support policies.
TRIFORCE: Support, Incidents and How-To Requests are easily handled,
- Use SUPPORT/ View Error files to submit errors automatically to TRIFORCE Support.
- Use the email Toolbar option to prepare and send email
Web-Site Forum:
Check our Forum!
Register today so that you can participate in discussions,
features, issues, obtain documentation, etc!
INTERNET: Support, Incidents and How-To Requests are best handled when
see SUPPORT/ INCIDENT REPORT in the toolbar above.
- Log In using your Customer Id and License Number (if not already logged in).
- Fill in the form.
- Provide full details.
- You can even attach TRIFORCE error files, text and Word Documents.
... so easy to use! Once received by SYSTEMGROUP, they are reviewed.
Immediate action is taken on all urgent requests and reported bugs.
Email: can be sent if you have problems using this Web-Site or if an email
is more appropriate. Make sure to enter the exact information as using the Web-Site Incident Report.
Use email address
Telephone support: only call the Support Line numbers as per your ASC.
When calling our Support Line, please leave detailed messages.
If the Support Line is not used, call backs may not be guaranteed.